Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lighten Up!

For those of you who have chosen dark earthy tones for your walls because you love how they make you feel warm and cozy in the dead of winter but are now wishing for a change for the warm months ahead, you should go for it!  It is so easy to transform your room with a quick and fresh new paint job, and you will be surprised how your furniture and accessories can still work with the right color choice!  Take a look at your current decor, and choose a complimentary color in a less saturated shade.  Hues found in nature (earth, plants, water, etc.) are always a sure bet.  Don't forget the ceiling- choosing a lighter color for above will make the room feel more open and airy. If you have color anxiety, many paint manufacturers have apps on their websites that allow you to upload a photo of your space and apply colors to your walls and ceiling so you can feel confident in your color choices before you do the work.  Look at the dramatic transformation below; from dark chocolate to summer sky!

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